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High performance tempereble single/double silver LOW-E glass
click:4985    TIME:2016-11-10

LOW-Emissivity Coated Glass

Low-E coated glass is also called Low-E glass, Low-E glass is the glass surface coated with low radiation material silver and metal oxide film, so that the glass presents different color. Its main role is to reduce the U value of the glass, and selectively reduce the Sc, to improve the energy saving characteristics of glass. Distinguishing features: high infrared reflectance, can directly reflect the far infrared radiation; the surface radiation rate of E is low, the ability to absorb foreign energy, then a little heat radiation; wide range of shading coefficient Sc, in order to meet the needs of different regions by controlling the amount of solar energy through.


The definition of Low-E insulating glass and the comparison of energy saving with ordinary glass and ordinary insulating glass:

Low-E insulating glass is the first choice of energy saving building materials, its energy saving characteristics meet or even exceed the country's public buildings and residential building materials used in energy-saving mandatory requirements. The utility model uses the vacuum magnetron sputtering coating method to coat the surface of the common building glass with the metal silver and the auxiliary film layer, and then to synthesize the hollow glass product with a plurality of other processes. Compared to ordinary energy-saving glass, Low-E insulating products can use silver’s high reflection characteristics of thermal radiation, Ensuring that the indoor natural lighting, at the same time, keep more heat of the sun gear outdoors in the summer, prevent more indoor heating loss through the glass to the outside in the winter, Thus play a significant effect of building energy saving. Compared with ordinary single-layer glass, energy-saving glass (Low-E insulating glass) insulation, heat preservation effect is significant, can save energy 67-70%, compared with ordinary insulating glass energy saving about 40%.


We want to get lighting the same time to control the invasion of energy, so you can use the LOW-E product’s ratio of visible light transmittance and the radiant heat factor to measure the performance of the product.          

The core value of LOW-E glass lies in its all-weather and seasonal adaptability      

A kind of LOW-E product that can be pretreated and toughened after LOW-E coating.

Not all of the coating material, all the film kind, under all conditions can produce a toughened LOW-E, toughened LOW-E is a special LOW-E glass, has great progress in low radiation performance. 

LOW-E can be tempered because it is possible to strengthen the film, so the product has a wider range of applicability, it can be made to be bended to solve the building elevation of the arc program, or even the internal arc program. 

LOW-E toughened glass production has the characteristics of high efficiency and mass production, thus creating a more energy saving and more environmentally friendly social benefits, to provide more accurate assurance of supply and demand services.

The difference between single silver LOW-E glass and double silver LOW-E glass   

Double silver LOW-E glass, named for its double layer silver layer, belongs to a kind of complex LOW-E glass film system. It highlights the glass on the shielding effect of the solar heat radiation, cleverly combined high light transmittance of the glass and the solar heat radiation and low permeability, so compared with ordinary LOW-E glass, in the case of the same visible light transmittance it has lower solar transmittance.

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